Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied — featuring parkour-style wall running and massive double jumps. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.
Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key developers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall is among the most highly anticipated games of 2014, having been shrouded in mystery for nearly three years. The visionaries at Respawn have drawn inspiration from their proven experience in first-person action gaming, and are building on that pedigree by taking a new approach to game design and creating an all-new universe with Titanfall.
Titanfall is available from March 14.
Set in the near future on a distant frontier torn apart by war, Titanfall drops players in the middle of a conflict between the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) and the Militia. The action is rapid and varied — featuring parkour-style wall running and massive double jumps. The freedom to shift back and forth between pilot and titan allows players to change tactics on the fly, attacking or escaping depending on the situation and extending the action vertically to new heights.
Crafted by one of the co-creators of Call of Duty and other key developers behind the Call of Duty franchise, Titanfall is among the most highly anticipated games of 2014, having been shrouded in mystery for nearly three years. The visionaries at Respawn have drawn inspiration from their proven experience in first-person action gaming, and are building on that pedigree by taking a new approach to game design and creating an all-new universe with Titanfall.
Titanfall is available from March 14.
EA and Gamefreaks are giving you the chance to win Titanfall. The first 2 names drawn will win an Xbox One copy of Titanfall, as well as an exclusive limited edition Titanfall t-shirt. We have another 8 t-shirts to give away so enter your details below and get yourself in the draw.
This competition is open to New Zealand residents only.
You must be aged 16 or over to enter.
Competition ends Thursday 20th of March 2014.
Multiple entries will result in disqualification.
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