Philomena is a UK true story drama directed by Stephen Frears (The Queen), starring Judi Dench as a single mother in search for her adult son, separated after a Christian community forced them apart decades ago. Co-starring and co-written by Steve Coogan, adapting the novel The Lost Child of Philomena Lee by Martin Sixsmith.
Falling pregnant as a teenager in Ireland in 1952, Philomena Lee (Dench) was sent to the convent of Roscrea to be looked after as a "fallen woman". When her baby was only a toddler, he was whisked away by the nuns to America for adoption. Philomena spent the next 50 years searching for him in vain. Then she met Martin Sixsmith (Coogan), a world-weary BBC journalist as cynical as Philomena was trusting. Together they set off for America, forging a bond themselves, to try and find Philomena's son.
We're proud to be hosting a preview screening of Philomena on Monday night, December 16 in Wellington at the Penthouse cinema. To go in the draw for a double pass, simply answer the question below correctly.
Philomena is a UK true story drama directed by Stephen Frears (The Queen), starring Judi Dench as a single mother in search for her adult son, separated after a Christian community forced them apart decades ago. Co-starring and co-written by Steve Coogan, adapting the novel The Lost Child of Philomena Lee by Martin Sixsmith.
Falling pregnant as a teenager in Ireland in 1952, Philomena Lee (Dench) was sent to the convent of Roscrea to be looked after as a "fallen woman". When her baby was only a toddler, he was whisked away by the nuns to America for adoption. Philomena spent the next 50 years searching for him in vain. Then she met Martin Sixsmith (Coogan), a world-weary BBC journalist as cynical as Philomena was trusting. Together they set off for America, forging a bond themselves, to try and find Philomena's son.
We're proud to be hosting a preview screening of Philomena on Monday night, December 16 in Wellington at the Penthouse cinema. To go in the draw for a double pass, simply answer the question below correctly.
In cinemas Boxing Day
Entries close Thursday, December 12
Rated TBC
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