Disney animated comedy spin-off of ‘Cars’ (2006) following an aircraft who dreams of becoming a racer. Crop dusting plane Dusty (voice of Dane Cook) hopes to become a competitor in high-flying races but is afraid of heights. With the help of US Navy veteran Skipper (Stacy Keach), Dusty trains for the upcoming around-the-world competition and learns to overcome his fear. However, he will have to face a tough opponent in defending champion Ripslinger (Roger Craig Smith) who will do anything to make sure Dusty doesn’t win.
Thanks to the good people at Disney we have 4 BluRays to giveaway!
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Disney animated comedy spin-off of ‘Cars’ (2006) following an aircraft who dreams of becoming a racer. Crop dusting plane Dusty (voice of Dane Cook) hopes to become a competitor in high-flying races but is afraid of heights. With the help of US Navy veteran Skipper (Stacy Keach), Dusty trains for the upcoming around-the-world competition and learns to overcome his fear. However, he will have to face a tough opponent in defending champion Ripslinger (Roger Craig Smith) who will do anything to make sure Dusty doesn’t win.
Thanks to the good people at Disney we have 4 BluRays to giveaway!
To go in the draw to win this DVD, answer the following question:
What Pixar animated film is Planes influenced by?
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