Some gardeners may choose to think outside the windowbox, but, when it comes to fertiliser, Team McGregor’s believes it pays to grow with the grain!
With optimised NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) levels the McGregor’s range of granular fertilisers have controlled release rates to make fertilising easier while liquid fertilisers aid in optimised flowering, fruiting, root establishment and growth.
Just one application of VegeMAX at planting will feed most veggies through to harvest (10-12 weeks) and PlantMAX controlled release plant food provides the strongest possible start for new plants. One application in spring continuously fertilises plants for the first two growing seasons (up to 18 months).
So, armed with the right... stuff... gardeners will be ready to muck in this season!
And, what’s more...
Garden-NZ has fertiliser prize packs for TEN lucky readers!
Each pack includes: a bag of McGregor’s VegeMAX Granular Fertiliser (VEGE400) and a McGregor’s PLantMAX Granular Fertiliser (PLANT400).
To be in to win, simply
click here.
One entry per person / email address; entries close December 3, 2013.
Winners notified by phone or email.