Be in to win a trip to Samoa with Fairtrade. Simply purchase one of the participating Fairtrade products from a New World stre, scan your Clubcard and you are in the draw!
Terms and conditions
1. By entering this prize promotion competition (“Competition”) you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Be in to win a trip to Samoa with Fairtrade. Simply purchase one of the participating Fairtrade products from a New World stre, scan your Clubcard and you are in the draw!
Terms and conditions
1. By entering this prize promotion competition (“Competition”) you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
2. Employees and independent contractors (and each of their immediate family members) of Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand (“Fairtrade ANZ”), its retailers, suppliers, associated companies and agencies are not eligible to enter.
3. Fairtrade ANZ is committed to complying with Government gift and ethics policies. Employees and independent contractors of the Government must adhere to gift and ethics policies applicable to them when entering the Competition or accepting any prize.
4. The Competition starts at 8:00am 5 June 2017 and ends at 11:59pm on 2 July 2017 (“Competition Period”).
5. To enter the Competition, you must, during the Competition Period, purchase one of the Participating Fairtrade Certified Products (being those products listed on the Fairtrade New Zealand website at: and in the appendix of these T&Cs from participating New World stores) and scan your New World Clubcard at time of payment.
6. Entries must be completed during the Competition Period in order to be valid.
7. There will be one (1) winner of the Competition (“Winner”).
8. The Winner will be determined by randomly drawing one eligible entry received by New World after the Competition Period (the “Draw”). The Winner (as determined by the Draw) will be announced on the 24th of July 2017.
9. The Winner will receive the following Prize to the approximate estimated value of $12,000 as detailed below:
● a seven day, six night trip for two to Samoa, including a tour of Fairtrade coconut farms and communities. Flights, standard travel insurance, food and four nights accommodation are included. (the “Prize”).
● Dates of travel will be between 1 September 2017 and 30 November 2017 (“the Travel Dates”).
● Costs of the Prize will remain within the assigned prize value.
10. Fairtrade ANZ will contact the winner privately and will publish and tag (if possible) the Winner’s name on the Fairtrade NZ Facebook page after the Draw (“Congratulatory Post”).
11. The Winner must be able to be contacted by Fairtrade ANZ within one week of the date of the Draw. Where a Winner fails to be contacted by Fairtrade ANZ within this period that Winner will be deemed to have rejected the Prize and the Prize may be redrawn in Fairtrade ANZ’s sole discretion.
11. Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash. Prizes cannot be used in combination with any other prize competitions, promotions or discounts.
12. The travel dates are not transferable. If the Winner is unable to travel during the Travel Dates, the Winner will be deemed to have rejected the Prize and the Prize may be redrawn in Fairtrade ANZ’s sole discretion
12. The Winner may not designate someone else as a winner. If you are unable or unwilling to accept the Prize, Fairtrade ANZ may award it to an alternate winner.
13. If for any reason the Prize is unavailable, Fairtrade ANZ may at its absolute discretion substitute the Prize for another prize which has approximately the same value.
14. To the extent permitted by law, Fairtrade ANZ, its retailers, suppliers, associated companies and agencies will not be liable to you for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever, including personal injury, which is suffered as a result of, or arising from, your participation in the Competition or winning (or not winning) any prize.
15. The Promoter may disqualify from participating in this Competition, any person who tampers with the entry process, or submits an entry not in accordance with these terms and conditions.
16. The result of the Draw, or any other aspect of this Competition, is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
17. Fairtrade ANZ is the promoter of this Competition and may modify these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Fairtrade ANZ reserves the right to cancel, suspend or change the Competition or any element of the Competition for any reason, including any cancellation, suspension or change necessitated by any event outside of Fairtrade ANZ’s control.
18. Only people living in New Zealand are eligible to enter.
19. Entrants to the Draw must be at least 18 years old.
19. It is a condition of entry, that the Winner agrees to participate in publicity generated by Fairtrade ANZ (or Fairtrade ANZ’s marketing partners) regarding the Competition and the Prize, and agrees that the Winner’s first name, photo and video may be used by Fairtrade ANZ (or Fairtrade ANZ’s marketing partners) for promotional purposes.
20. Fairtrade ANZ is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, servers or providers, or any combination thereof. Nor is it responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in this Competition, or by any technical or human error that may occur in the course of the administration of this Competition.
21. At Fairtrade ANZ, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Fairtrade ANZ will collect and use your details for the purposes of running this Competition. Fairtrade ANZ may share your details with its contractors for the purpose of running this Competition. If you are a Winner, Fairtrade ANZ will use your personal information for the promotional purposes described above. You can access or request correction of your details by emailing
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