American musical duo MKTO, consisting of Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller, have released their self-titled debut album!
Following the release of their singles 'Thank You', last January, 'Classic' in June and 'God Only Knows' in November, MKTO's first album is finally here.
The album features 11 songs.
American musical duo MKTO, consisting of Malcolm Kelley and Tony Oller, have released their self-titled debut album!
Following the release of their singles 'Thank You', last January, 'Classic' in June and 'God Only Knows' in November, MKTO's first album is finally here.
The album features 11 songs.
Explaining what 'MKTO' stands for the guys explain that "It also stands for what our album kind of is: Misfit Kids and Total Outcasts – just like the kids we were in high school".
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