Facing chronic pain as the result of an accident, Deborah Shepard struggled daily to pick herself up and move on with life.
Some days were harder than others, but the plucky biographer and memoir teacher wrote her way through the experience.
Taking heart from stories of resilience around her, Deborah contemplates universal and personal pain and loss between the pages of this book, finding a place of acceptance.
Facing chronic pain as the result of an accident, Deborah Shepard struggled daily to pick herself up and move on with life.
Some days were harder than others, but the plucky biographer and memoir teacher wrote her way through the experience.
Taking heart from stories of resilience around her, Deborah contemplates universal and personal pain and loss between the pages of this book, finding a place of acceptance.
Giving Yourself to Life
By Deborah Shepard
Published by Calico Publishing
RRP $38
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