New Zealand is on a roll; we’re growing and excelling in more areas every day. There are people doing incredible things so The AM Show and Chorus want to help make New Zealand even better.
Through the Chorus Upgrade, one deserving kiwi community will receive $10,000 to help them be bigger, bolder, better.
So, how are you going to make your community better?
New Zealand is on a roll; we’re growing and excelling in more areas every day. There are people doing incredible things so The AM Show and Chorus want to help make New Zealand even better.
Through the Chorus Upgrade, one deserving kiwi community will receive $10,000 to help them be bigger, bolder, better.
So, how are you going to make your community better?Register your details below and tell us how this funding can help your community to be in the draw.
The Chorus Upgrade on The AM Show
Promotion Period
This promotion (the “Promotion”) opens at 8:00am, Monday 25th June and entries must have been received by 11:59PM, Friday 13th July.
How to Enter
Entrants must fill out the entry form on the The AM Show webpage available at [].
In the entry form, Entrants must describe:
the project, activity or service for which the prize money would be used, including the location of the impacted community;
how the prize money will be used to fund or partially fund that project, activity or service;
the social, cultural, environmental and/or other benefits to the community from this project, activity or service.
Note: The initiative must benefit the local community and have broad community support.
There is no limit as to how many times an entrant, or the group represented, may enter.
Entries can be made for existing or proposed initiatives located anywhere in New Zealand.
MediaWorks and Chorus have sole and final discretion as to whether an entrant’s application is eligible.
The Prize
There is one prize available under this Promotion - a $10,000 NZD grant towards a community project.
Winner selection
Applications will be evaluated by reference to:
the outcomes sought to be achieved – recognising that in some instances the funding will be sufficient in and of itself to complete an activity and in other cases it will be part of a wider initiative;
extent and reach of the community benefit anticipated;
the creativity, innovation and collaboration required to implement the underlying project, activity or service;
the quality, effectiveness and demonstrable benefits anticipated from the underlying project, activity or service; and
any other criteria considers appropriate in the circumstances.
Mediaworks and Chorus have sole discretion in selecting the winning entrant/application.
Mediaworks and Chorus will select the winner on Friday, 20th July 2018, and the winner will be notified by phone. If the winner is unable or unwilling to accept the prize, Mediawork and Chorus may award it to another entrant.
The winner must provide the details of a nominated bank account. The prize money will be deposited into that account within one month of receipt of those details.
If the winner accepts the prize, the winner will be solely responsible for all applicable taxes related to accepting the prize.
Entry Restrictions
Applications must be made:
by a New Zealand resident who is at least 18 years of age;
on behalf of a group or community organization (with or without a formal legal structure).
Entries on behalf of commercial projects will be ineligible unless it can be demonstrated that the use of the prize money predominantly benefits a community group (Chorus shall have final discretion on this point).
MediaWorks TV Limited of 3 Flower Street, Eden Terrace, Auckland
The Rules that apply to this Promotion are these Specific Rules, together with the General Rules.
By entering into this Promotion, you agree to the Rules.
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