Porco Rosso is Hayao Miyazaki's (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle) extraordinary animated children's adventure about a veteran WWI pilot who has been cursed to look like a pig. In 1930's Italy, air pirates, bounty hunters and high fliers rule the skies. The most cunning and skilled of these pilots is Porco Rosso. A former WWI fighter ace who has been cursed to look like a pig, he now makes a living as a bounty hunter in the Adriatic Sea, protecting the seas and rescuing those kidnapped by air pirates.
"Mr. Miyazaki smooshes fantasy and history into a pastel-pretty yarn." - NEW YORK TIMES
In honour of the 2m tall Miyazaki shrine we built in our office, Flicks and Madman are giving away a bunch of Porco Rosso Blu-rays. Simply answer the question below correctly and you're in the draw!
Porco Rosso is Hayao Miyazaki's (Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle) extraordinary animated children's adventure about a veteran WWI pilot who has been cursed to look like a pig. In 1930's Italy, air pirates, bounty hunters and high fliers rule the skies. The most cunning and skilled of these pilots is Porco Rosso. A former WWI fighter ace who has been cursed to look like a pig, he now makes a living as a bounty hunter in the Adriatic Sea, protecting the seas and rescuing those kidnapped by air pirates.
"Mr. Miyazaki smooshes fantasy and history into a pastel-pretty yarn." - NEW YORK TIMES
In honour of the 2m tall Miyazaki shrine we built in our office, Flicks and Madman are giving away a bunch of Porco Rosso Blu-rays. Simply answer the question below correctly and you're in the draw!
Porco Rosso is rated PG (low level violence) and is out now on DVD from Madman - purveyors of quality, ingenious and alternative film. See their mighty catalogue at madman.co.nz.
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